Have you ever found yourself right in the middle of composing an urgent email, trying to attach a crucial file, only to be met with that dreaded notification: “file too large to send”?
It can be ever so frustrating, can’t it?
Well, Microsoft has been listening to our collective sighs of exasperation, and they’ve announced an update that promises to put an end to the perennial ‘file too large’ issue once and for all.
And here’s the kicker – it’s not one of those situations where something seems too good to be true but actually is!
In an official post on the Microsoft 365 roadmap, the tech giant has unveiled its plan to seamlessly integrate Outlook with Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud storage platform.
Here’s the clever part: When you hit that attachment size limit, Outlook will kindly prompt you to upload your file to OneDrive, ensuring that your document still reaches its intended recipient.
Quite nifty, don’t you think?
Initially, this new feature will make its debut on Android devices, but for everyone else, the rollout is scheduled for later this month. So, the wait won’t be too long.
Before you know it, you won’t have to bother with the hassle of compressing, resizing, or even abandoning your bulky files. There’s also no need to resort to potentially risky third-party services. Microsoft is leading the way to provide a smoother, more efficient email experience.
If you’re interested in making the most of your Microsoft 365 subscription, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to lend a hand and help you get the most out of it.